Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Response to Churchill: Crimes Against Humanity

Ward Churchill has nerve to offer some of the creative names for his fictional sports teams. I am referring to his Hanover "Honkies" and Galveston "Greasers" (538). I agree with Churchill that there is a problem of discrimination becoming fun and entertaining for the majority groups. Calling a team "Redskins" and doing hand motions like the "Tomahawk Chop," making the depiction that these Native American people are primitive and barbaric is not okay (536).
America goes through all of these phases in history where it fights for civil rights and equal perception of its people, hoping that foul and racist words will be eliminated from the American language, and then it goes off and does racist things again. How is having a red faced Native American with a big dopey smile on its face any different from making fun of African Americans with black face paint in minstrel shows. There is hardly any difference. It is appalling that Americans are getting a kick out of making fun of a group of people that were, by the way, here before their immigrant ancestors slaughtered and redistributed them around the country. If anything, we should be begging for forgiveness. But that's not how people work, we never admit our wrong doing. Instead, how about we do what Churchill suggested and start poking fun at every other minority, and even majority. It only makes it fair. Oh, but wait, that is no fun when the joke is on you.

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